A General Catch-Up.

Hey guys!, 
It’s currently 07:15 PM on Buenos Aires. It’s a little bit cold and I’m on my living room. But I’m not here to talk about this.
Let’s talk about music first: 
As you know I’m in the latest rehearsals for my debut tour The Party Just Begun. So, basically that’s where all my time went. I wrote a song or two, but I’m not focusing on that for the moment. My top priority right now is to get the tour done. After that, I will focus on my music. I promise.
As you may know I bought a Fitbit Charge HR a couple weeks ago. I love it. It does everything I
wanted to and ever more. Plus, the W10 Mobile app works great and is fully-supported. But on  the other-side, Fitbit just present the Charge 2, but I don’t like it hahaha. I want to do a ‘review’ of the Charge HR somewhere in the future, so hold up to that.
Well, that’s basically what I have 4 u guys, I want to write more but VNN lol.
Have a great day!
xx Facundo.

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