So, Here I Am.

Hello everybody, yeah, I’m a big stupid. I say that I will post more stuff here, but you know, final exams, holidays and that stuff keeps me busy. So, I’m here to post some updates:

  • I’m working in the 2.0.1 of the website, and no, sorry, it’s still don’t have new stuff, just bug fixes and preparations.
  • About my record: For the moment, I’m too busy to do that, I mean, I have another great projects in my mind. And I have written a few new songs (Yeah!)
  • About The “Deal” between me and Nokia (Or Microsoft Mobile if you wan’t to put in that way): It’s fake. Come on, Nokia? Really! MY BLOG THEME IS ABOUT OS X LEOPARD IT’S FROM A-P-P-L-E iPhones, iPads ALL THAT STUFF gosh.
  • About TNS Tour: Yeah, in fact exist, but it’s still under a very very early development
So, that’s all the stuff, but don’t get panic, once the holidays come over, I be more often here. I promise.
If you want to stay on touch, go to my Twitter, My Facebook or My Website
Love Ya,
Facundo XOXO
Girl Power Ride It.

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